BODYFLOW™ is the Yoga, Tai Chi and Pilates workout

BODYFLOW™ leaves you feeling long, strong, centered and calm. It’s your personal time out from the stress and strains of daily life.

A 55-minute group exercise-to-music class that enhances your physical and mental well-being.

BODYFLOW™ Benefits

  • Improve your joint flexibility and range of movement
  • Increase your core strength
  • Improve your cardio-vascular function
  • Burn calories
  • Reduce your stress levels
  • Provide a lasting sense of well-being and calm
  • Focus your mind and raise your level of consciousness through controlled breathing

Club Hours

Monday - Friday

4am - Midnight


7am - 8pm


8am - 8pm

Please check Google


Social Media

For Weather Related Closings

The Forum Fitness Center

704 633 6638 phone

704.633.8622 fax

2318 South Main St.

Salisbury, NC 28147 


RoCoGold 2021 1st PLACE